Dear Friends,

“There is one Body and One Spirit…”

How can that possibly be? In the time of COVID-19? With social distancing and masks and at-risk groups and no church services? Let me tell you what I have seen in this most extraordinary time that demonstrates Epiphany’s ability to come together, through our faith and baptism, in our outreach to each other and the community. The last time we got together in March we ordained Gwynn as a deacon and many of us attended her ordination as a priest last week (virtually); the Lord is already working in and through her, as St. Paul’s (and Gwynn) have led Richmond in grappling with the now hateful symbols of the Confederacy at this church that was once at the center of that government. 

In the first few months of lock-down we were faithful in our Zoom meetings and continued our fellowship. I have been enriched in our book discussion on White Fragility, led by Ruth, with the participation by members of the congregation, our clergy, and visitors. And, in a preview of the nation-wide movement, following the death of George Floyd, our group grappled with our own feelings about racism, as well as discussing means of ending this scourge on our society, together. We have all felt the power of the Holy Spirit in our virtual services, thanks to the efforts of our volunteer readers, church staff, Hillary and our guest priests.

“There is one hope in God’s call to us…”

Epiphany has come together, despite the challenges of this time, to assist those in need. Gloria, my wife, has continued to help with boxes of food for needy families, along with our brothers and sisters of the Methodist faith. Our church has heeded God’s call to help the less fortunate through Hot Meals. Up to 10 people, every other month, most at-risk for age or additional health challenges, have continued to prepare meals and deliver them to homeless individuals and families in Fairfax County. I am proud to be member of this team, acting as a sous-chef [cutting vegetables or doing whatever Cathy or Tim tell me to do], and delivering the meals with Patrick, Charles, Ruth, Susan, and others to three sites in Fairfax. We have delivered at least 150 meals each time, and even picked up an extra month (as personnel-strapped churches had to leave the queue, due to COVID). There are no better examples of the spirit of ‘One Together,’ answering God’s call in a time of trial, than the continued efforts of Epiphany to support Hot Meals and the Food Pantry for the needy and homeless of Fairfax County.   

So where do we go from here? The need is so great and the resources seem limited; but I’m not so sure about that. We have discovered, as a family, that stewardship, even to the point of tithing from our retirement income, brings a joy and sense of stewardship of God’s gifts that is unmatched in this secular world. The togetherness and contribution of our time and talents returns fourfold to these old retirees. 

I wish this week’s Gospel had been about the parable of the prodigal son, rather than the story of two sons (one who reluctantly obeyed his father and one who said he would obey, but didn’t). I will confess that I have reluctantly signed up for being the Hot Meals Coordinator. I didn’t think I could do more. We need to spend time with our grandkids, scattered about the country. But it is amazing – the more you do, the more you can do. The more you give, the more that seems to be available. Let’s each seek to increase our giving of time, talent and treasure, to the church and the community.

“There is one Body and one Spirit; There is one hope in God’s call to us,” Epiphany!

Peace to you all,

Dick Jackson
Epiphany’s Hot Meals Coordinator


* Join us on Zoom TONIGHT for the Women’s Bible Study at 7:30 PM. We will fellowship together virtually and discuss our selection for the next study! No prep required, just sign-in!

* Come online to our Stronger Together Reconnection Chat tomorrow night (Thursday, Sept 24) anytime between 8:30 – 9:30 PM. ALL are welcome!

* Join us online this  Sunday at 10 AM for worship and our annual Celebration Sunday! Parishioner Art Buck will lead us through worship, with a special message from our Senior Warden, Susan Buckner, as we celebrate being OneTogether with the many ministries at Epiphany.

* As always, Epiphany’s vestry and staff are here to support you in any way we can. Please contact Susan Buckner, Senior Warden at: