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Welcoming a New Boy Scout Troop

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends, Maybe you’ve heard the news. Maybe not. We are now officially the chartering organization for a new Scout community – a Cub Scout Pack. Welcome Pack 159! It has been a joy to get to know these fine folks. And we are grateful for our COR (Chartered Organization Representative), Phil who agreed to […]

As We Become Centered

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends,  This past weekend was filled with so much joy and love: the center of who we are at Epiphany. It is our center, not because of who we are as individuals, or of who we are as a community alone. It is our center because that is the center of God and is […]

Stewardship as a Community Action

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  Stewardship is defined as the management of, or the act of taking care of, or the responsibility to look after and care for, something we value. It is an important part of our relationship with Epiphany. Taking care of our church, our congregation, and our community is a way that we […]

…one people (in unity with the Holy Spirit)

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  This year’s stewardship campaign just ended. We are blessed and thankful for the congregation’s outstanding financial support. Without pledges, the vestry has no basis to develop a meaningful budget to support Epiphany. By Canon, the vestry is responsible for the financial matters of Epiphany and is a fiduciary to the congregation. Special thanks to Heather […]

A place of sanctuary…

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  My name is Richard Fohrenbach. My wife Linda and I have been members of Epiphany since we moved here in May 2017. Originally from Connecticut, we moved here from South Carolina. Prior to that we lived in Los Altos California. We have two adult sons. Our older son, Ricky , lives in Lakeville […]

Faith Journey

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  My name is Allie Dockum and I attended Epiphany for a short time between March and August of this year. I came to Epiphany not knowing what to expect. In March, I had begun dating Steven (the really cute guy) and I attended because he encouraged me to. While I grew […]


by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  After joining Epiphany in 2013, I found my niche in Parish Life where I continue to participate today. I also served on the vestry from January 2019 through March 2022.  This year’s Annual Giving campaign theme of “Reimagine the Possible” brings to mind the word “pivot” which was used extensively throughout […]

Do I think church can be fun? YES!

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends at Epiphany,  I have been attending Epiphany for about four years. During that time I have been active with Sunday Circle, Food for Thought, Hot Meals, and being a lay reader. I was also confirmed last year.  Do I think church can be fun? Yes!   The first time I went to Epiphany I felt it […]

Reimagine the Possible

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends in Christ,  This year’s Annual Giving campaign theme is: Reimagine the Possible. This theme brings out a personal note for our family but also announces a hopeful message to honor the glory of God for our Vestry and ministry leads, our new Rector and our wonderful parish members. Sarah and I became Episcopalians after […]


by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends, As September begins, we look forward to this Sunday, our Kick-Off Sunday when Sunday School and Sunday Circle (Youth Group) start. Pieces of the service that comprise our worship, the liturgy, change Sunday to mark the move into what we call the “program year,” which loosely follows the school year, September – May.  […]