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A Good Book

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends, As we are in the thick of summer, we polled the congregation as to what they were reading this summer. Although this has been a summer like no other, it is always nice to escape into a good book. In need of a prayer or mediation? We heard from our dear friend Dick […]

Needing a prayer

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends, The other day I was trying to retrieve, on my computer, an e-mail which I had received a few days earlier. I became very frustrated because I could not find it in any  mail folder. Frustrated, I turned off my computer and in sitting back in my chair, I noticed a small red book […]

Challenges Abound – Fear

by Epiphany Communications

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. – Matthew 10:27 Dear Friends, You may not know, but our Vestry meetings are usually pretty lively. A dedicated and devoted group of people come together with the Spirit of the Lord among us to […]

Labourers of Jesus

by Epiphany Communications

…The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.  – Matthew 9:38 Dear Friends, Growing up, my mom often told me that the Bible had an answer to every question. Being the cynic, I thought “That’s impossible!” I was certain, in my know-it-all teenage mind, that there was no way that a book that […]

God is love

by Epiphany Communications

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9 Dear Friends, This has been a very sad week. While adjusting to the end of pastoral care from our beloved rector, Rev. Hillary, our country reached the tragic milestone of losing over 103,000 lives to COVID-19 as part of the […]

What is essential?

by Epiphany Communications

“…you will be my witnesses…to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8b Dear Friends: Food establishments, daycare facilities, medical institutions, financial institutions, and gas stations are among the several entities deemed “essential” and remaining open during this COVID19 Pandemic. Churches are essential, with the restrictions of social distancing and fewer than ten in attendance. Naturally, […]


by Epiphany Communications

“For ‘in him we live and move and have our being;’” Acts 17:22-31 Dear Friends: The sun is shining. The sky is blue and the temperatures are warming. Folks are out and about, walking, biking, kicking a ball back and forth, enjoying the much-needed warm spring now finally upon us. With spring comes hope and possibility. […]

What’s next?

by Epiphany Communications

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life…’” John 14:6 Dear Friends: What’s next? In these weeks following Easter, we’ve been focusing on Luke’s book of Acts. In examining what acts formed the church we learn how knucklehead, Peter, fiercely holds Jesus’ followers accountable, assures them of the presence of risen Christ in […]

Who Leads?

by Epiphany Communications

“So again Jesus said to them, “Very truly, tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.” John 10:7 Dear Friends: Sometimes, I imagine we all wonder who to follow; especially in times of uncertainty. Who is our true leader? Where do we keep our allegiance? At the same time, we may ask what type […]

A Season of Change for Epiphany

by Epiphany Communications

“There is a time for every season, a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:3 Dear Friends: God is good and always working through each and every season of life. After much prayerful consideration, I am announcing my retirement from my role as rector of Epiphany effective Sunday May 31, 2020 following Sunday morning […]